Glasgow City Council
Glasgow City Council Welfare Rights & Money Advice team is located within Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership. The team provides support to front line Social Work staff to allow them to maximise the income of service users. If the issue is of a complex nature then the Welfare Rights Officers and Money Advisers will work directly with a service user.
Support to those who have no connection with Social Work is delivered by the Glasgow Advice & Information Network (GAIN).
Over and above to the support to Social Work and Health staff we have a dedicated Appeals Team and we are happy to take referrals from any Glasgow City resident whether or not they are Social Work service users. We also provide free of charge benefits training to both Social Work and the voluntary sector.
Contact details:
Richard Gass
Welfare Rights & Money Advice Manager
City Chambers East
40 John Street
G1 1JL
Further information is available on the Glasgow City Council website www.glasgow.gov.uk/welfarerights
Contact details for the GAIN network can be found at their website www.gain4u.org.uk