East Renfrewshire Council
East Renfrewshire’s Money Advice and Rights Team (MART)
Offer support and advice to residents on their financial circumstances including debt, benefit appeals and income maximisation.
MART can assist with advice on claiming benefits, checking your benefits are correct and helping with claim forms. MART will also assist you if you want to challenge or appeal against a benefit decision. If you are in debt, MART’s money advisers will provide free, independent and confidential support.
You can contact MART by telephoning 0141 577 8420, e-mailing mart@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk, or contact MART on line at https://eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk/mart
If you prefer, you can free text MART followed by your name to 80800 and staff will phone you back to discuss your enquiry. .
MART can meet you face-to-face or talk to you by phone. Staff will arrange home visits if preferred. They can also provide email advice. East Renfrewshire Council Offices,
211 Main Street,
East Renfrewshire
G78 1SY
MART’s webpage http://www.eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk/money
Revised 17.07.2022