East Lothian
Welfare Rights in East Lothian
Negotiating the number of benefits, allowances and credits available can be challenging. And if you don’t understand what’s on offer, how can you decide if you’re entitled to receive it?
Our Welfare Rights team offers free, confidential information and advice with welfare rights and benefits. The service is available to anyone in East Lothian and can:
help you to claim all of the benefits you are entitled to.
explain official welfare rights letters to you.
help you complete claim forms.
advise you on reviews and appeals.
represent you at social security appeals tribunals.
The team holds six drop-in surgeries in the main towns across East Lothian answering queries on a wide range of welfare rights issues.
If they are unable to help, they can direct you to the many organisations within East Lothian who may be better placed to deal with your enquiry, such as Citizens Advice Bureau.
Free drop-in surgeries
Dunbar: The Bleachingfield Centre, Countess Crescent, Dunbar, 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month 2pm-4pm
Haddington: Court Street Entrance to John Muir House, Thursday 2pm – 4pm
Musselburgh: Brunton Hall, Wednesdays 10-12noon
North Berwick North Berwick Library School Road North Berwick, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month 2pm-4pm
Prestonpans: Aldhammer House, 1st and 3rd Thursday each month 10-12noon
Tranent: George Johnstone Centre, Tranent, 2nd and 4th Thursday each month 10-12noon
Welfare Rights Team
Room 17
John Muir House
Brewery Park
EH41 3HA
Telephone: 0131 653 5230
Welfare Rights page on East Lothian Council website
Revised 16/5/2016